

Two kids from Austin were up to no good.. starting making food in their local neighborhood.

They got into one little podcast & their mom’s got scared.. now they are hosting and rolling with locals on the air! <To tune of Fresh Prince>


Host Jason Powers developed this podcast to help get the word out about local restaurants and businesses that were affected in his area. Giving back has helped build Austin’s local food and beverage industry, but he doesn’t plan on stopping here!

Co-Host Chef Danny Kievit has built his name running local kitchens in Austin & Houston. He currently provides private dinning experiences to the Stars of Austin’s hill country with his traveling knives. Get to know his private menu by booking an exclusive party today!


But really, our team loves to feature local awesome folks who help to make this community better. Got a story or cool thing you guys do at your restaurant or farm?? Let us know and we can feature YOU! Sign up below.. .